philosophy notes

Friday, March 19, 2010

Next week

a)discussion based on 'testing % Evaluation' research and be prepared to do a Quiz
b)brinf all work done on your presentations -discuss and share your ideas in class.


  1. As mentioned above come prepared to do a quiz on 'Testing &Evaluation on 25/3/10.
    Those who did not present their views last Thursday will have to do their presentations on 25/3/10.
    Bring all your presentations/assignments on 25/3/10 to discuss problem areas and let us see how we can help one another.Meanwhile,if you have any problems,post them under 'Please Help Me'...
    By the way,where are your notes from last week?Please post them in the Blog.

  2. All those who presented last Thurs did a good job.All your friends had a good time interacting with you. Well done!

  3. thanks madam.... this all ur effort towards us to beccome independent learners....

  4. Am glad you all are learning something,Kamala.

  5. kaveettha>>>
    thank you mdm...on our nex presentation we will be well prepared....
