Posted by Vasagi
Dear fren, previous two week there are debate about National-type Tamil school was changing their science and maths subject from Tamil language to English but the Chinese national types school was using both Chinese and English to do their exam. Actually, these statements are true accordind to the research below:
(From wikipidea )
There are two main types of public primary schools in Malaysia: national (Sekolah Kebangsaan in Malay, abbreviated as SK) and national-type (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan, abbreviated as SJK). National-type schools are further divided into Chinese national-type schools (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina, SJK(C)) and Tamil national-type schools (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil, SJK(T)). By degree of government funding, national schools are government-operated, while national-type schools are mostly government-assisted, though some are government-operated.
The medium of instruction is Malay for SK, Mandarin and simplified Chinese characters writing for SJK(C), and Tamil for SJK(T). Malay and English are compulsory subjects in all schools. All schools use the same syllabus for non-language subjects regardless of the medium of instruction. In January 2003, a mixed medium of instruction was introduced so that students would learn Science and Mathematics in English. Due to pressure from the Chinese community, SJK(C) teach Science and Mathematics in both English and Chinese. However, the government reversed the policy of teaching Science and Mathematics in English in July 2009, and previous languages of instruction will be reintroduced in stages from 2012.[5]
Isnin 29 Mac 2010 | 13 Rabiul Akhir 1431 Hijrah
Science, Mathematics in BI: Make whatever, we still support Umno!
Sun | May 13, 07 | 12:25:57 pm EDT ( from msn)
Starting in 2008, UPSR for Science and Mathematics subjects in national schools and Tamil SJK will be provided in English only. Starting in 2008, all public examinations for both subjects and other subjects based on science and mathematics in secondary schools will be provided in English only.
From 2003 to 2007, UPSR examination for subjects of Science and Mathematics to SJK Chinese will be provided in the bilingual Mandarin and English. Candidates may choose to answer the question in one language or in both languages it.
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14 years ago
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