philosophy notes

Thursday, March 11, 2010


nanthini:hi frens,i have did research regarding d forum question and i found d answer... but can any1 explain 2 me what d answer trying tel????

The philosophy of education is the study of the purpose, process, nature and ideals of education. As a matter of daily practice, educators formulate goals, discuss values, and set priorities. Anyone who gets involved in dealing with goals, values and priorities soon realizes that in a modern society such as ours there are many competing choices. Some are incompatible with others. Hard decisions have to be made. Here, for example, are some everyday dilemmas that educators confront: How do we treat a specific student's needs, yet deal fairly with a class of students as a whole? When, if ever, should we bend the rules? Should a teacher ever emphasize good behavior over subject skills? It is in trying to resolve such questions that the discussion becomes philosophical, even though it may not be recognized as such. And it is philosophy that can help us make better choices among goals, values and priorities REF # ary K. Clabaugh & Edward G. Rozycki, Understanding Schools: the foundations of education (New York: Harper Rowe, 1990) pp. 551- 564


  1. nanthini:any idea 1st questions....

  2. So what did you understand from the article?By the way,please use proper English when taking part in the forum.You may use SMS style in the chat box.

  3. D-Dharan::mdm srsly i need your help in this....:(

  4. revathy>>>

    Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
    A philosophy is a comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and the nature of the reality we live in. It is a guide for living, because the issues it addresses are basic and pervasive, determining the course we take in life and how we treat other people.

    In Greek, "philosophy" means "love of wisdom." Philosophy is based on rational argument and appeal to facts. The history of the modern sciences begins with philosophical inquiries, and the scientific method of experimentation and proof remains an instance of the general approach that a philosopher tries to bring to a question: one that is logical and rigorous. However, while today the sciences focus on specialized inquiries in restricted domains, the questions addressed by philosophy remain the most general and most basic, the issues that underlie the sciences and stand at the base of a world-view.

    Education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.
    knowledge in basic skills, academics, technical, discipline, citizenship or is it something else? Our society says only academic basics are important and that is based on collecting knowledge without understanding its value. How about the processing of knowledge, using inspiration, visionary ambitions, creativity, risk, ability to bounce back from failure, motivation? Most education institutions don’t consider these skills. These skills are associated with understanding the value of knowledge. There is a huge disconnected gap and this is a problem for high school students in particular.
