Assignment 2(20%)
Select any level(KBSM),select any subject.Plan a lesson(30min).Demonstrate (teach-30mins) how you and your group members will help realize the aims/goals of the NPE.
Essay:What is the NPE?How did the NPE come about?What is contained in the NPE?What is the importance of the NPE? What is the teaching philosophy advocated in the NPE?Why the need for a change in the teaching philosophy when compared to the period before Independence?How do you intend to realize the NPE through the lesson you are teaching?Explain each step in the lesson and give reasons for the selection of teaching approach,activities,etc.
Assignment 3(20%)
There are 5 philosophies of education.Some are teacher centred and some are learner centred.By the time you become an educator you will have your own teaching philosophy.What will your teaching philosophy be with regard to :
-purpose of education
-content and skills schools should teach and how they should be taught.
- roles of teachers and students.
To illustrate the above,select a subject from the KBSM(any level)plan a lesson and teach(30mins) your course mates in a creative and innovative manner.Have fun.
Essay:On the above.
Group Presentations
You should know your schedule by now.Presentation dates:
29/3/10 and 5/3/10.
If there any problems regarding group members,etc.,please let me know today.The groups concerned should come and see me.Also let me know which Assignment you are doing.
FACEBOOK WILL END ON MARCH 15th! | Weekly World News
14 years ago
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