Discussion on Policy
A.Policy making as a diffuse activity- The National Development Policy
i)Eradication of poverty
ii)Restructuring society
eg.loans for small medium enterprises
tax policies,etc
textbook loan scheme
computerization of schools,etc
pre school in the rural areas(tabika kemas)
cottage industries,eg.kain songket,keropok making,etc
rural infrastructure,eg.roads,water,electricity,etc
Question:Explain the importance of the textbook loan scheme in the context of policy making as a diffuse activity.
B.Policy Typology-categorization of policies or classification of policies according to the function.
C.Regulatory Policies-policies to govern the conduct of business or policies that will monitor/keep an eye on types of businesses.
This is divided into:
i)Competitive Regulatory Policies-eg.Business registration,programme approvals by MQA,etc.
ii)Protective Regulatory Policies- eg.halal certification,minimum standards and accreditation by MQA,etc
iii)Distributive policies-distribution of benefits to schools,hospitals,etc.This is usually from the state budget.
iv)Redistributive policies-policies ‘intended to manipulate the allocation of wealth,property,etc….among social classes or racial groups.eg.Dasar Ekonomi Baru,Malay Special Rights,etc.
D.Concentrated and Diffuse Costs and Benefits-these policies are categorized according to who pays for the goods and services and who receives them.
E.Classifies policies based on the purpose of issuing them.
F.Material and Symbolic Policies-
i)Material Policy-policies that is of benefit to the public.eg.money given to housing areas to build facilities that will benefit the community.
ii)Symbolic Policy-policies that will appeal to the values of the public eg.’tak nak’ campaign,TV show ratings to minimize social ills,etc.
G.i) Goal Conflict?
ii)Causal Theory: A good causal theory is needed if a policy design is to succeed.eg.If speed limits are reduced accidents will be reduced.
Ambiguous Causal Theories- a policy design that does not have a good causal theory may not produce the desired results.eg.If prices of books are reduced,people will start buying and reading more books.
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14 years ago
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