1)The functional or purpose of testing and evaluation as integral components of teaching and learning are to evaluate students understanding ,identify student standing position in classroom, measure the outcomes of teaching and learning process, and so on. Through the testing and evaluation also the effectiveness schooling purpose will be measured too. Besides that structural relate to the framework. Structural in testing and evaluation is regarding how the examination is being conducted. Testing and evaluation methods that’s apply in government schools always prepared by the National Examination Council. There are some national examination in testing and evaluating student such as UPSR, PMR, SPM ,and STPM/STAM. These examination standardized as national examination . Through this structural , the function of education will be realized.
2)-Based on education system that apply in Malaysia, students are tested and assessed through the examination. Basically, examination prepared by a qualified peoples based on the lesson that had been studied. Examination directly conducted to check out students understanding.
-discussion can be stated as talking or conversation which happen among two or more peoples. Group discussion can ensure each students convey their ideas and opinions when its happen among their friends. Teachers can evaluate them through monitoring the conversation.
-students also can be tested and assessed through the presentations. When the students present, their ideas or opinions or proposal will show their understanding towards the task and its can be tested as testing and assessed.
-analyzing the records and data that done by the students under teachers monitoring without refer to any materials also can be apply as testing and assessment of the students. This is an effect full way to make the students recall their memory in any situation and ensure the outcomes is not piracy.
-through learners assessment also teachers can test and assessed the students. Normally a student whom well understand about the task will practice it. Through deep inspecting and monitoring teachers can test and assessed students.
3. The domain aim of test and assessment is to evaluate the understanding of students. Basically teachers test the students at every end of topic to evaluate the students understanding towards the subject. Its also indirectly make the teachers to take any other steps to re-teach the subject to ensure the outcomes are effect full. Besides that, the aim of test and assessment also to evaluate students personal achievements. Its really important to identified students position in academic level regarding academic performance to position them into excellent group or moderation group or weakest group. Through this identification teachers can understand students standing position and organized the different task of teaching methods to improve the students position. For an example, teachers can proceed their lesson as usual to the excellent students and using different task to teach moderate and weakest student’s. Moreover the aim of testing and assessment of students also is to make instructional decisions. Basically, learning outcomes is the result of classroom interaction. To have the expected learning outcomes , teachers need to determining the effect full planning of teaching process. Apart from it, instructional decisions as aim of testing and assessment because its will evaluate the students prior knowledge and skills which will help the teachers to obtain information in planning remedial work for those teachers lack of prerequisite skills to fulfill the needs of learners. So that the teachers can test and assessed the outcome of the lesson to make instructional decision to improve the quality of their teaching skills based on effect full pedagogical methods which relate to the abilities of students. Apart from these aims, making guidance decisions also can be stated as aim of testing and assessment. In school environment, teachers will be the roll model and reference for students. Through this approach, teachers will be a motivator or guide for students. To provide an effect full guidance teachers need to test and assess student achievements, attitudes, and impersonal characters. Usually teachers guide students in making decision on their further studies based on their(students) ability, guidance in vocations, and also in solving personal problems. Finally, the aim of testing and assessment the students is to help the school management to maintain their position as high standard management. School management effectiveness will be seen through the structure of management and well organized documentaries’. Usually school management documents are based on the students records and achievements. School management should have students achievements in more details. Its only categorized as validity information if its prepared by the teachers through the testing and assessment. The validity information about the students achievements will help the management to make an accurate administrative decisions regarding students activities (to improve achievements) and provide accurate details to be checked by author peoples such officers from ministry of education.
4) the exam unit was formed on 3 may 1956. At 1957 the exam unit were rename as Malaysian Examination syndicate(MES). Apart from renaming the unit its also given some responsible regarding the examination. Malaysian examination syndicate(MES), is fully responsible in planning examination, sitting position, and prepare question for the examination. Its can be stated as an organization that responsible conducting national level of examination.
5) Malaysian education system is well structured with its own philosophy. Through Malaysian national philosophy of education, we can noticed that Malaysian education system is an ongoing effort to develop potential of individual. There are four types of national types examinations. The primary stage students need to sit primary schools test and assessment UPSR (ujian penilaian sekolah rendah). Students need to study until standard 6 among six years to be seated for this examination. Basically they could sit for 5subjects in national schools(sekolah kebangsaan) and seven subjects in national level Indian and Chinese schools (sekolah jenis kebangsaan). Base on the result students will move to the secondary schools. There will be a term that whereby students whom did not pass national language(bahasa Malaysia) need to enter re-move class at secondary level. Otherwise they can move, straightly to form 1.students need to sit for secondary lower level test and assessment PMR (penilaian menengah rendah). Base on the result students will seated to upper level secondary education base on vacation skills and knowledge. At the end of upper level of secondary school education students need to sit for SPM(sijil pelajaran Malaysia)(national education certificate).base on the results students may go to working field or pursue their upper study in diploma or STPM(sijil tinggi peperiksaan Malaysia) or known as Malaysian higher level education certificate .STPM or STAM is the last major education that compulsory for every individual. This STPM/STAM certificate also have same qualification with diploma. These are the major national examinations.
6)-Philosophy in education is an interesting class which well organized by our respectful lecturer miss.Saradha nair. Through my experience in unitary among 2semesters pursuing my degree , I can said philosophy in education is class is totally different with other class. As a lecturer whom have experience tutoring foreign students in abroad universities, miss Saradha apply foreign class base and giving priority to create cheerful classroom to ensure the students enjoying the lesson meanwhile get rid of boredom, love the subject and become more independence to absorb the knowledge. By the way of asking students do research regarding the lesson that going to be discuss in class, students working personally to get knowledge without depending to others. Through this way she test and evaluate the students independence towards absorb the accurate and effect full knowledge without belonging to others. Apart fro asking students to do researches, she also test and assess students by asking students taking part in blogging system. It is valuable pedagogical methods. By through this she testing students ability in using ICT as medium of finding information, and apply concept of sharing and caring. Besides that, she also testing and assessing students through the students participation in conveying ideas and opinion during the discussion and presentation. She always post question to students to ensure the students involve in conversation. She use “answers base question” style that’s asking question regarding the answer given by the students to ensure the students improve in communication, and clarify about their answers. Besides arrange discussion in classroom, she also post some discussion in blog to ensure the students always exchange their ideas to develop their cognitive process. These are the major ways that miss saradha nair test and assess students in philosophy class.
-I will practiced few methods in testing and evaluating my students. First of all, I will evaluate my students by conducting own prepared examination that’s will be checked base on contents and not fully followed answer sheets. Students need to answer my question in structure form to ensure they can bring whatever they have in their mind. Sometimes students understanding can create new ideas and or answers that’s really logic and can acceptable. So that the marking scheme should base on theory only but also must be based on understanding. Their marks will expose the reality of their self. Other than that, I also will test and evaluate my students based on their feedback. Feedback is an important task in process of learning and teaching. Its also express the students understanding and outcomes of teaching process. Moreover I also will apply some methods like quizzes, questionnaire and surveys base form of question to evaluate the students. Basically this three task are simple to answer. If students are really good in answering question by this format means the lesson have and effective outcomes. Surprise quizzes without any announcement also will be practiced by me to evaluate the students. Apart from these methods, I also will apply two way communication in order test and evaluate my students. Communication is an important task to expose student ideas and opinion. I also will organize individual presentation, group discussion, debating to ensure students communication is not breakdown and lead them to think creatively and critically.
-Yes. Of course regarding ,Malaysian education system, the education should develop cheerful environment to produce an effect full individuals whom can contribute to the unity of Malaysian and developing of family, country and nation. Now a days, Malaysian students are always attack by examination fever. They feel that examination is really touché ring. Basically in secondary school, students need to sit for examination about four times compare the students whom going to be sit for public examinations more than that. Its really make the students mentally disturbed and its could affect their health condition and results. To overcome this problems, I think that test should not disturbing or affect students achievements but can make its as fun as possible to ensure the outcomes are really good in order. Schools can conduct two times only of examination in a year that, once in mid of year and another one at the end of year. Apart from this two times of examination schools can conduct other examination in presentation base forms or quizzes base forms to make test and assessment are fun. Other than that, indicating colorful pictures, into examination papers and creating cheerful environment of examination wall also make the test as fun as possible and its lead to students achieve flying color results. Apart from this examination, quizzes and presentation base form test and assessment also should conduct in free of order without any rules and regulation to encourage students creativity.
FACEBOOK WILL END ON MARCH 15th! | Weekly World News
14 years ago
Do you think you can use the blog to assess students' creativity,Mr Kumaran?
ReplyDeleteJOICE LILY BAI....
ReplyDelete1)the functional view of testing and evaluation is to evaluate the studen's progressiveness.for example in classroom, the educator have to evaluate the student's progressiveness in studies through quizzes,and etc.the structural view is the way the exams are conducted as in Malaysia such as UPSR,PMR, SPM and STPM/STAM that are prepared by The Examination Unit.
2) students can be tested and assesed firstly,in the form of discussion in class. the teacher can evaluate the student's understanding of certain subject.secondly, having quizzes in the classroom hepls the students to assess themselves such as their understandings.thirdly, having exams will help the educators to check their student's understandings.fourthly, forums are helpful for the students.fifthly, presentation will help the students to upgrade their speaking skills and so on.
3)the aim of testing and assessments are to evaluate students' achievements and progressiveness in certain subjects. for example, students have to be tested according to their capabilities. secondly, the aim is to hepl the school management to maintain a good record. for example, the testing and assessment helps to create excellent students and finally create a good name for the school.
other than that, the aims is also to maintain the interaction between the teacher and students.
4)the exam unit was formed on 3rd may 1956. the exam unit were renamed to Malaysian Exam Syndicate(MES);responsible in planning exams, sitting position and preparing questions.
5)there are four major examinations vurrently in Malaysia that is UPSR( Ujian Penilian Rendah, PMR(Penilaian Menengah, SPM(Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia and STPM/STAM. these inportant eams are formed to every stages in school.
6)in my opinion, my philosophy class are conducted in different way compared to other classes that I'm attending currently. Madam Sharda test us in different forms such as having blogs, discussions, forums, presentations and quizzes. She is using student and teacher based teaching to create cheerfull environment in the class.
when i become an educator, i will assess my students by having a short quiz after each topic is taught to evaluate the students' understanding. for eaxmple,after each topic is taught, i will make sure that each of my students are fully understand my teaching. other than that, i will have small group discussios based on the topic given to them earlier. when they are discussing, they will have some doubts and they can ask me. i will also do some interactive activity that will make sure the students having fun while studying for example having musics and games.
yes these techniques will make testing and assessments fun because it will make teaching and learning more interesting and enjoyable while the students can concentrate in the classroom. other that that, it can also create a open minded citizens in the future.And also 1 Malaysia concepts can be created to create individuals that are contributive to the family, community, country and nation.