2. There are many different ways to assess student learning. In this section, we present the different types of assessment approaches available and the different frameworks to interpret your results. Direct measures of assessment require students to represent, produce or demonstrate their learning. Standardized instruments, student portfolios, capstone projects, student performances, case studies, embedded assessments and oral exams all provide direct evidence of student learning. Indirect measures capture information about students’ perceptions about their learning experiences and attitudes towards the learning process. Informal observations of student behavior, focus groups, alumni surveys, self-reports, curriculum and syllabi analysis, exit interviews, and evaluation of retention rates are some examples. Objective assessments such as short answer, completion, multiple-choice, true-false, and matching tests are structured tasks that limit responses to brief words or phrases, numbers or symbols, or selection of a single answer choice among a given number of alternatives. Objective assessments capture information about recall of factual knowledge and are less useful for assessing higher-order thinking due to their structured response format that allows for only one best answer. Performance assessments allow for more than one correct answer. They require students to respond to questions by selecting, organizing, creating, performing and presenting ideas.
3. Assessment necessary on credit bearing courses for adults? In order for students to gain grade points or credit as a result of their course of study, they must provide some form of evidence of learning that can be assessed by the tutor and an external examiner. Assessment also provides students with valuable feedback about their strengths and weaknesses which assists this learning and thereby sustains a sense of motivation and interest. Finally, tutors gain valuable evidence about any strengths and shortcomings of the course design or its delivery. Individuals’ participation in your course is voluntary so much will depend upon your ability to persuade students that the purpose of the assessment used on it is to guide their process of learning as an adult and provide them with the option of working towards a University award. You should try to ensure that students clearly understand why you suggest they attempt assessment and how results will be fed back to them as individuals. Where possible, it helps to allow students to negotiate some of the ground rules (e.g. the criteria for how a piece of work is to be assessed) but the decision as to whether or not to take part remains theirs. Please encourage your students to undertake assessment as far as you can. It is important to DACE that as many students as possible achieve a graded result at the end of the course. If they are hesitating, you can remind them of, and direct them to, the many sources of advice and support available. Note that students attending your class under the SFC fee-waiver scheme are obliged to undertake all assessed work. You may need to issue a general reminder to students of this.
4. it was formed on 3 may 1956. on 1957 the exam unit were rechange as Malaysian Examination syndicate(MES). Apart from that its also given some responsible regarding the examination. Malaysian examination syndicate(MES), is fully responsible in planning examination, sitting position, and prepare question for the examination. Its can be stated as an organization that responsible conducting national level of examination.
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14 years ago
a) The function of testing and evaluation are to test and assess the student’s level of learning in their studies. The students are tested and assessed to identify of observing the knowledge and answering back when being asked in class or in exam. Students are being tested and assessed because the government wants to know the students achievement of gaining knowledge and to develop a quality education system which will realize the full potential of the individual .
ReplyDeleteb) he structural view is an organization chart created by the government; Ministry of Education. The ministry will test and assess the students according to the student’s age and grade. In Malaysia the first stage of the exam/test is UPSR, for primary level which is for standard 6 students. Secondly, PMR for lower level student in secondary school which are for form 3 students. Thirdly, SPM for student in secondary school to which are for form 5 students. Lastly the toughest exam in school level is the STPM test. This test is for the form 6 students which determine whether the student is qualified to enter University.
2. Students can be test and assessed in few ways such like giving quizes,assingnments,group work, do some games so that the students may give more attention to the particular subjects, Open-ended questions and tasks ,mid term test. Other than that, using the true-false questions, multi-purpose questions, short answer questions, matching questions and fill-in the blanks questions. In addition the students also can be tested and assessed by discussion. The teacher in class can divide the students in group after they teach their subject. Then ask them to discuss about the chapter they study. Then the teacher have to approach the students, and ask some question.
3. The aim of tests and assessments is to know students level of understanding in the subject. To make teacher easily identify the student problem and weakness in the subject. they will give marks to the students according to their capability by giving the answer. In the test and assessment only way the teacher can ask various type of question to make the students understand the subject and giving effective feedback in their teaching and learning process. this a way to identify the teacher performance or competencies with the students outcomes and can correct their teaching method n style.
4.. Exam unit was formed on 3 Mei 1956. On 1957, it was renamed Malaysian Examination Syndicate (MES).The Exam Unit in 1957 have be changes because want to have a better education system in Malaysia amongst all the races.
ReplyDelete5. There are four types of national types examinations.
• The primary stage students need to sit primary schools test and assessment UPSR (ujian penilaian sekolah rendah) the students who learning their primary school education from standard 1 to standard 6 and to be seated for this exam.
• students need to sit for secondary lower level test and assessment PMR (penilaian menengah rendah)which is evaluated in form 3 . Base on the result students will seated to upper level secondary education base on vacation skills and knowledge.
• At the end of upper level of secondary school education students need to sit for SPM (sijil pelajaran Malaysia).
• further more students which take their form six will sit for STPM OR STAM. STPM or STAM is the last major education that compulsory for every individual.
6.The ways that assessed and tested in your Philosophy in Education class is firstly, The students need to do their own research based on the task given and do group discussion among the group members. It is really challenge for students self to looking and founding some information independently. During the group discussion, the lecturer will ask question to all students in a group. we can more easily answer the questions because we already know a bit about that topic. From this method teaching that madam bring to us, I’m actually really enjoy and have fun to study and automatically can understand more better. As a future educator I also will use this kind of tested and assessed to my student due to can make the students become more interesting and fun to learn my subject. . As a teacher they must be known to teach in a way that students can feel confident in the class, feel as though they are being challenged and having a good time while still learning the basics such as their whole numbers, grammar.
ReplyDeleteThe functional views of testing and evaluation are to see whether student can understand or not what their learn. To improve their memorizing in their learning for example, when the student do the test, automatically the student will study hard, do revision and memorize the notes gives by teachers to prepare the testing. Besides that, when the educator giving the task or testing such as monthly test with test , the student can study how to learning to score. after testing and assessment the student know their level and gred. If the gred weak, the student will struggle and more effort to improve their learning so that they can prepair the examination in over year. The teacher also can know the student weakness and teacher must help student to improve and give more activities to make sure the achievement in teaching and functional.
The structural views is related the school, for the MOHE , the system examination the relevant system for form 6 is STPM and MUET. for the secondary school, examination system , form 3 have to take part in PMR exam and form 5 is SPM exam. in primary school student have to take part in UPSR. This secondary and primary school, their examination was provided by MOE.
Homework and assignment, teachers give exercise to student. Do monthly test , it doing for testing level achievement of student doing learning session. Examination divide with to such as middle test and final test. middle test are to testing the knowledgeable level of student within mid year. Final test, see the full learning level of student after whole years. Quiz usually, quiz session only for university student. Presentation usually used by the higher students education like form 6 and university student to make their presentation based or student researching and group discussion.
The aim of test and assessment is we can see how the level of knowledgeable from student. The test and assessment can show that student are learning during school and do the revision. Beside that, the achievement student in test and assessment can show the affection of teaching from teacher, so that we can know is the teaching by teacher are competencies or not.
The aim of test and assessment also is the one of policy education created by government to selected the student to go to further study after examination. For example, SPM examination, the student who pass in SPM and get great result can be selected to university . for those student are not good in SPM result they are not ignored only just because they are not good in academic, but maybe they are excellent and have potential in skill learning like automotive, catering, tailoring skill, so the government will give them the opportunity to enhance their skill that they like, so these student can continue their skill study in skill institution such as Giat mara, Ilp, Ikm and more else.
Beside that, the school can see their attitude achievement year by year weather increase or decrease, so that the principal and teachers give more effort to make sure the student achievement always increase year by year. Beside the achievement of student how will influence the public perceptions to the school
...(continue from the paragraph above)... and teacher. For example, if the school can increase the good achievement of student year by year, that school will be candidate as a good school or can awarded. Besides that, those of student are failed in testing and assessment the teachers can identify the weaknesses of student and try to help student with new effort to student can performance lesson and the next test of assessment. The student also can study hard more to improve and enhance their studies and learning.
ReplyDeleteQUESTION 4
Malaysian Examinations Council (MEC) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Education (MOE).It was established on the 1st. of February 1980 under the Malaysian Law and the Examinations Council Act 225. MEC was launched on the 22nd of April 1980 by Y Bhg Dato’ Musa Hitam, who was the Minister of Education at that moment. MEC was established in accordance to Section 7, Act 225 which holds the function to conduct specific examinations and all matters crucial or related to such examinations.
Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) and the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). The STPM examination, which began in 1982, was conducted to replace the Higher School Certificate (HSC)/Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan (STP). The Malaysian University English Test (MUET) began in December 1999. This examination is compulsory for all STPM, Diploma, Matriculation, or pre-university students who intend to pursue their first degree in local universities. Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (PTK) / Efficiency Level Assessment examination which was introduced under Sistem Saraan Malaysia (SSM)/ the Malaysian Livelihood System since 2003. The examination is conducted for education officers and the Support Group (Kumpulan Sokongan). In addition, MEC has organized the Malaysian Information Technology Professional Examination (MITPE) since 2005. This examination evaluates individual mastery in the field of Information Technology.
In my philosophy in education class, only this class give us assessment and tested with using the blog compare to the other class, the other class just give assessment and tested in the paper and presentation only.
When I become and educator, I will tested and assessed my student with many of ways that not like usual that always used by many of educator. I want to create something interesting based test and assess gaming, do the outside research, making group, music, learning in vacation and use the moden technology.
For gaming, I will test and assess student in gaming. for example, across word game. I will give question with the clue and they must answer the question in the blank box .the another example, it also can use the game whereby I will give the question and who are giving the fast answer will get reward and gift, so that student use their mind and find out the answer.
For the outside research, we can bring the student to fell the different environment in learning session. For example, if I teach the science subjek, I will test and assess student with bring them to the science environment such as Petro science, Herb garden, Zoo and etc. this situation can make student fun and love to study and also can be remember. I think assessment and tested fun if I do the method of teaching that I mention above.